Blog Archives

One of the best thing in life is really.. being a Mother :-)

One of the best thing in





life is really.. being a Mother 🙂.

My Princess, My Nursery Student, I love Her….






My Princess, My Nursery Student, I love Her…..

My daughter’s 1st day in school

My daughters 1st day in school.



love you bebe!

♥ΜŸ ρåΜÍ£Ýα♥my wealth :-)

we are just lucky to have each other

f.baylosis mania

young at heart =)

A short but funny conversation with my daughter!

Lian: Mami hmmpool aq..

    (swimming pool)

Mami: Bukas na lang ulit ineng pagod na mami

Lian: Weeeh D nga?

Mami: Bwahahahahahaha!

Ayun wala ang pagod q hahahahaha!!!

“Late post”

after checking Mica’s Codo… we went to shakey’s for our Lunch… Busog!


she just ate the chocolate one lol

Lian order a bunch of 3 scoop of ice cream at shakeys

Lian and her nanang

this photo was taken after a long day of travel….